I was reading Luke 17 today about how the Lepers were healed and only one said thanks!!! I got to thinking.. I sometimes get so busy in life that I forget to tell the Lord thanks for all the stuff he does for me.. Year after year, month after month and week after week..
I want to Thank Him for always providing my needs!! Even when I can not see a clear picture up ahead I know he has something for me. I am Blessed!!!! I have a wonderful Husband wonderful and Healthy kids. A great family.. And Great Friends.. The list goes on and on and on!! He has made things happen in my life that I thought would never happen.. Wow how thankful I am! But I wonder did I say thanks? Or did I get to busy??? I Thank you Lord!!!!
I am so Thankful for my kids talking about Jesus! It just brings joy to my ears! "A" Has always been so open about loving the Lord! And she will tell people about it.. Last night "L" found a bible that some dear friends had bought him when he was born. He was sitting on the chair and in the bed and in the car acting like he was reading it.. It brought joy to me.. I I hope and pray that he will keep that book close to him at all times.. Because it is the best book he will ever read!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Starting some new post.
Ok. so I am slack with posting.. But I am going to start a new.. I hope to keep up with more post as days go by.. We will see..
So whats new in our life?? Not much of anything. "A" is doing well in 2nd grade and wow at the homework.. I am so glad that I am not in school! Because sometime I think that I am NOT SMARTER than a 2nd grader.. Haha... "L" is growing up way to fast he is loving his 3 year class at preschool and they tell me he is good??? That is so funny.. not that he is bad but he is just a child that is on his on time and his on free will!!! The teacher told me the other day that I had her worried before he started because we thought that he would cry a lot.. But thank the Lord so far so good...
On a different note.. I am still amazed at the fact that kids pick up on things so fast! "A" was talking about a girl at her school that is mean.. Wow that starts way to early!! She said to me "mom she is pretty on the outside but no so much on the inside." Wow how sad is that at the age of 7 some one is acting that way.. But then I got to thinking.. How do we act towards other people? I told "A" that some people are like that in life. We just have to pray had for them. And we have to pay that we are not like that. We need to pray that people see Jesus in us.. One of my thankful things this month is the fact that I have two kids that I have been sooo blessed with.. But I pray so hard that when they think of there mother that they see Jesus in me. I thought of Matthew 5:14 . "Ye are the light of the world..... We are the Light..
I thought my Sunday school class on Sunday this verse. And I started out by asking them Are you doing something little that could really be something big???
In the Word it talks about us being the Light. Are we being the Light? The Light in someones dark day could be just a Hello, or a text and phone call a card, or a smile!! The little things in life could be big to someone in a dark world.. I pray that I am doing the little things....
So whats new in our life?? Not much of anything. "A" is doing well in 2nd grade and wow at the homework.. I am so glad that I am not in school! Because sometime I think that I am NOT SMARTER than a 2nd grader.. Haha... "L" is growing up way to fast he is loving his 3 year class at preschool and they tell me he is good??? That is so funny.. not that he is bad but he is just a child that is on his on time and his on free will!!! The teacher told me the other day that I had her worried before he started because we thought that he would cry a lot.. But thank the Lord so far so good...
On a different note.. I am still amazed at the fact that kids pick up on things so fast! "A" was talking about a girl at her school that is mean.. Wow that starts way to early!! She said to me "mom she is pretty on the outside but no so much on the inside." Wow how sad is that at the age of 7 some one is acting that way.. But then I got to thinking.. How do we act towards other people? I told "A" that some people are like that in life. We just have to pray had for them. And we have to pay that we are not like that. We need to pray that people see Jesus in us.. One of my thankful things this month is the fact that I have two kids that I have been sooo blessed with.. But I pray so hard that when they think of there mother that they see Jesus in me. I thought of Matthew 5:14 . "Ye are the light of the world..... We are the Light..
I thought my Sunday school class on Sunday this verse. And I started out by asking them Are you doing something little that could really be something big???
In the Word it talks about us being the Light. Are we being the Light? The Light in someones dark day could be just a Hello, or a text and phone call a card, or a smile!! The little things in life could be big to someone in a dark world.. I pray that I am doing the little things....
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Who I am in Christ!
Sometimes it is so easy to get down and out.. Life gets busy, friends let you down, money is tight, and you slide down the rope of life and when you get so far down you fill as if you are beat up and you are alone.. Have you ever been there??
Sometimes I have times where I am on this rope of life and I feel as if it is going to break.. But as I was studying the other day I came across an old Sunday school lesson and it was the Lord just reminding me that when the world beats you up remember that You are something In Him....
1} A Child of God ....Romans 8:16
2} Saved by Grace Through Faith. Eph 2:8
3} Redeemed from the hand of the enemy..Ps 107:2
4} Forgiven...Eph 1:7
5} A new creature...2 Cor 5:17
6}Kept in Safety..Isaiah 46:4
7} Strong in the Lord..Eph 6:10
8} More than a Conqueror..Rom 8:37
He Reminds me that when I apply all this to my life than I Know that I am Loved, Wanted , A Conqueror, Saved from my enemy, Strong, Healed, and Forgiven...
Sometimes I have times where I am on this rope of life and I feel as if it is going to break.. But as I was studying the other day I came across an old Sunday school lesson and it was the Lord just reminding me that when the world beats you up remember that You are something In Him....
1} A Child of God ....Romans 8:16
2} Saved by Grace Through Faith. Eph 2:8
3} Redeemed from the hand of the enemy..Ps 107:2
4} Forgiven...Eph 1:7
5} A new creature...2 Cor 5:17
6}Kept in Safety..Isaiah 46:4
7} Strong in the Lord..Eph 6:10
8} More than a Conqueror..Rom 8:37
He Reminds me that when I apply all this to my life than I Know that I am Loved, Wanted , A Conqueror, Saved from my enemy, Strong, Healed, and Forgiven...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Time and Change....
Wow.. It has been for ever since I have been on here! Time Gets away soooo fast!!!!! Where does time go???? I have so many pictures and things that I need to post of the fun summer we have had.. So I hope I can get them up soon.. But this has been our summer in a nut shell.. I am working 3 days a week at L's preschool. I have been taking A to swim lessons and she has also had to get some time in with a little friend from school.. Kids keep you busy, but on the joy I have of watching my kids grow and change in the fast time that they do..
We had a BIG break through with my little "L" and can I say BIG one more time... He is using the potty now... he was 3 in April and would not talk about it or have nothing to do with it! When I would ask him about doing it, he would say when I am 4 or some day's it would be when I am 21,,,Really... Be he is so strong willed and set in his ways that I was starting to believe him... But then on day he seen that light.. And has done wonderful with going to the potty!!!! He also has learned how to pray out loud.. And oh the joy that brings to my soul!! He is proud to pray when he is ask...
As far as "A" goes. she is growing up to fast! She is still full of live and is going in the 2nd grade.. wow... It breaks my heart to see them grow..She has loved swimming this summer.. Ever chance she gets she is in the pool or any body of water,,,the Lake (YUCK) the OCEAN (DOUBLE YUCK) I do not like to swim where you can not see what is under you feet.... I see her growing into a beautiful young child.. And I pray daily that she will always walk close to the Lord.. At night when I pray with her I pray that she always puts the Lord 1st in her life.. One night after we were done she said.. "Mom, I am saved.. and you always pray that I put the Lord 1st in my life.. She said what do you mean? " Do you mean that you always want me to stay close to him" YES!! that is what I mean.. He is so good.. I hope she gets that at an early age so that she can learn to depend on him in all parts of her life!!!
And then there is CHANGE I don't know what the Lord is doing in my life.. Do you ever feel that way? You feel that you are going through some changes but you can not put your finger on them. Not saying it is a bad thing... I get to a point to where i am ready to see what the Lord is doing in my life but then he reminds me to just BE STILL!!! Wow how hard is that sometimes...
I was reminded this year at the beach how powerful and wonderful the Lord is.. As I was sitting there on the beach.. I was just amazed to look and know that he made it all. He made the water and the sand and animals and has a reason for them all. And then I was reminded that he made Me.... And he Loves me soo much.. Even when I am unworthy of being Loved he still loves me....
The Lord is good,
Friday, June 10, 2011
It has been a while!
It has been a while since I posted, I have not forgotten about my blog. It is just that sometime Time gets the best of us.. With that being said, all has be going well. Just Busy, Busy , Busy... So many thing to post.. So I am going to have to play catch up with some pictures.. I hope to post soon... But As of right now. Today is the Last day of my Daughters 1st grade year!!! Wow, someone once told me to hang on because when they started school time would fly.. And boy it has...
"A" has had a wonderful 1st grade year. We have watched her grow and learn with leaps and bounds. I am so proud of her. She was placed in the highest reading group in her class. (for those that know me she gets that reading from her mom..Haha...) She was always ready to go to school each morning.. She has a very special personality. At awards day her teacher said that she needed an award for humor. She said if they ever needed a laugh that they could count on "A" to bring it to the class. I love sitting back and watching her in a crowd. She never meets a stranger and she is bold to try new things. I love that in her. And I hope she stays strong in that area.. As I am reminded in scripture it says that "We are fearfully and wonderfully made". I stress that to "A" all the time. Because I see just how special the Lord made her with her free spirit. She Love life and Loves the Lord.. And she will not mind telling you about the Lord.. I pray that she keeps that in life!!!!!!
I am a proud mom..

Monday, March 7, 2011
Pictures of when "A" was baptized
I am slow at posting. Here are the pictures of when A was baptized a month ago.. Sweet memories that mean soooo much.....

Her dad ask to help out with this special time..
Her little friend "K" was baptized on the same day...
After she got baptized with her Bible in here hand..
Her sweet friend "E". So sweet ..Her mom has been my best friend since we were in high school. And now our girls are growing up learning about the Lord together!!! Priceless.. Thankful for special friends that love the Lord.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Birthday!!!
I love my birthday! It is an on going joke that I celebrate my birthday the whole month of March.. Well, I do.. I just love it.. I feel special. So every day so far of this month I have sent my two sisters text telling them that it was my birthday... They just laugh and shake there heads.. I know a lot of people don't understand why I get so happy about being another year older.. Well, that is enough to be happy about with in its self.. But not only that I have been blessed year by year with soooo many things in life .. The Lord is soo good to me.. And my family... I am just overwhelmed at how much he loves and give blessings all the time.. So now you know why I love my birthday... And the reason I have it all month long is I like to feel special...Hahaha........
So Happy Birthday to me........
Oh yeah,, My sweet niece is going to make me a cake this year.. I can not wait... If she does I will post pictures..
I love my birthday! It is an on going joke that I celebrate my birthday the whole month of March.. Well, I do.. I just love it.. I feel special. So every day so far of this month I have sent my two sisters text telling them that it was my birthday... They just laugh and shake there heads.. I know a lot of people don't understand why I get so happy about being another year older.. Well, that is enough to be happy about with in its self.. But not only that I have been blessed year by year with soooo many things in life .. The Lord is soo good to me.. And my family... I am just overwhelmed at how much he loves and give blessings all the time.. So now you know why I love my birthday... And the reason I have it all month long is I like to feel special...Hahaha........
So Happy Birthday to me........
Oh yeah,, My sweet niece is going to make me a cake this year.. I can not wait... If she does I will post pictures..
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sickness !!!

We have had a crazy week!! That is to say the least.. We have had two trips to the Dr and three different kinds of meds.. On Sunday "L" Started to break out in a rash all over.. I gave him something for it at bed time in hopes that it would be gone by the next day.. Boy was I wrong. On Monday the rash was the same if not more than the night before. So off to the Dr we went.. The Dr said he was going to test him for strep. I laughed since he was not acting sick and also since we had his tonsils out when he was 19months.. So they did the strep test and the Dr came back to inform me that he had a + reading on the test. The rash was coming from the strep..... He sent us home with some antibiotics. Well......Come Tuesday at lunch time I found my self calling the Dr back . I told them we needed to be seen once more.. "L"s feet had swollen up and both of his keens. By the time we got to the dr his hands were also a little puffy..
So in comes the DR... I think my child puzzled them.. And yes I say them because he had to get another Dr to take a look at him.. They think... that the strep had gone to his joints. So they sent us home with some steroids. The Dr told me he would call me in the morning.. If there was no change then we were heading to the hospital....So my dear husband hit the phone lines telling people to pray. By the time we put him to bed the swelling had come down some. And thank the Lord each day has gotten better....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Talent show 2011
My daughter was in her first talent show. She and two other girls from school signed up to be in the school talent show.. She came home one day from school and informed David and I that she was doing the talent show... We laughed and ask her what she was going to do... She replies
.......knock ,knock jokes.... how interesting would that be. We talked her out of the jokes. So she and the other two girls took the singing route...

So now for the fun part they had to find a song find time to practice the song and then try out..
One Saturday they got together and Thanks so much for one of the moms taking charge she found them a song , worked with them and made "A" a poodle skirt to wear.. She was a life saver!! Because, Lord knows I can not sing or make things...
The song they picked out was Rock -Around the Clock.. And yes we had to listen to it every time we went some where!!!!!! So the girls made it to the Big Talent Show to be held at the middle school.. Not knowing what to expect!! Since this was the first time... But I will have to say..
They Were GREAT!!!!! I loved it!!!! We may have some STARS on our hands..Ha,ha....

I am so proud of her. When I was in school I was never brave enough to step out and do things like this!!!

...She is holding the microphone like a pro... So proud of her!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hello 2011
Well, 2011 is here! The old saying is true "where does time go"??? I still have not posted my 2010 Christmas pictures on here! I have a goal to do that but run out of time. And my computer is giving me a hard time downloading them. But they will be on here soon. As slow as I am it may be a 2010/2011 Christmas post combined..
The year 2010 was good. Very busy but good.. We did have a few bumps in the road with the kids staying healthy. But I hope after both sets of tonsil being taken out we will have a good healthy year!!!!!
"A" is still fired up about being saved! It just makes me so happy to listen to her talk about Heaven and the Lord. Tonight we were on our way home and she said "mom, when I get to heaven will Jesus play with me?" All kind of questions.. And the excitement that I see and hear in her when she talks about it. Leads my mind to think...... We as Christians.. are we excited about Heaven??? Or do we just get complacent in the fact we know we are saved and we leave it at that??? I also love to see her tell people what has happened in her life... Do we older children of the Lord do that?? Just things my mind was thinking about tonight. I pray that I will be more excited and more open and bold about what the Lord has done for me!! Wow, he has been so good..... Lets spend a life time making our Heavenly Father proud!
"They will sing about what the Lord has done, because the Lord's glory is great."
Psalm 138:5
The year 2010 was good. Very busy but good.. We did have a few bumps in the road with the kids staying healthy. But I hope after both sets of tonsil being taken out we will have a good healthy year!!!!!
"A" is still fired up about being saved! It just makes me so happy to listen to her talk about Heaven and the Lord. Tonight we were on our way home and she said "mom, when I get to heaven will Jesus play with me?" All kind of questions.. And the excitement that I see and hear in her when she talks about it. Leads my mind to think...... We as Christians.. are we excited about Heaven??? Or do we just get complacent in the fact we know we are saved and we leave it at that??? I also love to see her tell people what has happened in her life... Do we older children of the Lord do that?? Just things my mind was thinking about tonight. I pray that I will be more excited and more open and bold about what the Lord has done for me!! Wow, he has been so good..... Lets spend a life time making our Heavenly Father proud!

"They will sing about what the Lord has done, because the Lord's glory is great."
Psalm 138:5
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