I am amazed at the Homework that my 1st grade daughter has every night! Yes I did say 1st grade! she has spelling words, reads two books a night and gets ready for a spelling test on Friday wow. I know that I played in 1st grade !! But she is doing well with all of this! WE are so proud of her! She is a blessing and is full of life! I love her personality...... She sees good in everybody! Wow, I wished I could do that! Right now I am trying to teach her to make sure she is a friend to everybody and most of all that she has a friend that is always with her and his Name is Jesus! Every morning before she gets out of the car at school we pray for her as she starts her day. And I will always add in there " Lord Help A know that you are always here for her, even when she feels alone let her know that you are there!!! I think that is so hard sometimes for us to take a hold of. When we feel alone the Lord is with us!!! When we feel like we have no one he is there! What better comfort then to know the King of Kings is with us!!!

Yay! You posted again!! I know it is hard to find time to do anything. I completely understand your struggle. That is awesome that you pray with A before she goes to school. I will try to start that myself. I am ashamed to say I am in such a rush that I don't pray with my kids before school everyday. Love ya!