It has been a while since I posted, I have not forgotten about my blog. It is just that sometime Time gets the best of us.. With that being said, all has be going well. Just Busy, Busy , Busy... So many thing to post.. So I am going to have to play catch up with some pictures.. I hope to post soon... But As of right now. Today is the Last day of my Daughters 1st grade year!!! Wow, someone once told me to hang on because when they started school time would fly.. And boy it has...
"A" has had a wonderful 1st grade year. We have watched her grow and learn with leaps and bounds. I am so proud of her. She was placed in the highest reading group in her class. (for those that know me she gets that reading from her mom..Haha...) She was always ready to go to school each morning.. She has a very special personality. At awards day her teacher said that she needed an award for humor. She said if they ever needed a laugh that they could count on "A" to bring it to the class. I love sitting back and watching her in a crowd. She never meets a stranger and she is bold to try new things. I love that in her. And I hope she stays strong in that area.. As I am reminded in scripture it says that "We are fearfully and wonderfully made". I stress that to "A" all the time. Because I see just how special the Lord made her with her free spirit. She Love life and Loves the Lord.. And she will not mind telling you about the Lord.. I pray that she keeps that in life!!!!!!
I am a proud mom..