I love my birthday! It is an on going joke that I celebrate my birthday the whole month of March.. Well, I do.. I just love it.. I feel special. So every day so far of this month I have sent my two sisters text telling them that it was my birthday... They just laugh and shake there heads.. I know a lot of people don't understand why I get so happy about being another year older.. Well, that is enough to be happy about with in its self.. But not only that I have been blessed year by year with
soooo many things in life .. The Lord is
soo good to me.. And my family... I am just
overwhelmed at how much he loves and give blessings all the time.. So now you know why I love my birthday... And the reason I have it all month long is I like to feel
So Happy Birthday to me........
Oh yeah,, My sweet niece is going to make me a cake this year.. I can not wait... If she does I will post pictures..