We have had a crazy week!! That is to say the least.. We have had two trips to the Dr and three different kinds of meds.. On Sunday "L" Started to break out in a rash all over.. I gave him something for it at bed time in hopes that it would be gone by the next day.. Boy was I wrong. On Monday the rash was the same if not more than the night before. So off to the Dr we went.. The Dr said he was going to test him for strep. I laughed since he was not acting sick and also since we had his tonsils out when he was 19months.. So they did the strep test and the Dr came back to inform me that he had a + reading on the test. The rash was coming from the strep..... He sent us home with some antibiotics. Well......Come Tuesday at lunch time I found my self calling the Dr back . I told them we needed to be seen once more.. "L"s feet had swollen up and both of his keens. By the time we got to the dr his hands were also a little puffy..
So in comes the DR... I think my child puzzled them.. And yes I say them because he had to get another Dr to take a look at him.. They think... that the strep had gone to his joints. So they sent us home with some steroids. The Dr told me he would call me in the morning.. If there was no change then we were heading to the hospital....So my dear husband hit the phone lines telling people to pray. By the time we put him to bed the swelling had come down some. And thank the Lord each day has gotten better....